Negishi : a restaurant where you can taste beef tongue, grated yam, and barley rice, mainly in Tokyo.

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“Negishi” is a restaurant where you can taste beef tongue, grated yam, and barley rice, mainly in Tokyo.

If you want to taste the best of Japanese cuisine, there is no other place than Negishi.

This restaurant specializes in beef tongue, and you can enjoy it as a set with grated yam and barley rice.

You can expect not only food but also hospitality with a smile.

Read on to find out why Negishi is the perfect spot for a great Japanese dining experience. Read on and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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Introducing Negishi

Negishi is an authentic beef tongue Japanese restaurant in central Tokyo.

It is rated as one of the best Japanese restaurants in Tokyo.

What makes this restaurant special is its unique and creative menu.

The combination of beef tongue, yam and barley rice has been popular among customers for the past few years.

The presentation of these dishes is also unique and creative. Serving only authentic Japanese cuisine, this restaurant is dedicated to providing an unforgettable experience.

“Negishi” also offers a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.

The décor is a mix of rustic and modern, creating an authentically Japanese atmosphere.

This restaurant has a dedicated staff to make you feel welcome and enjoy your meal.

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Recommended menu of my “Negishi”

The most recommended is the “Shirotan” set meal.

A dish that carefully selects the finest parts of beef tongue. It is a delicious part that you can enjoy both the texture of the thick beef tongue and the soft texture.

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Location in Tokyo

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(Reference) Overview of Sendai Beef Tongue, a dish served at Negishi

Grilled beef tongue unique to Sendai is a local dish of Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture.

Its roots go back centuries when beef tongue was first used in Japan.

It is a traditional local dish loved by many Japanese people. Sendai beef tongue is made by broiling a large beef tongue over high heat until it turns brown on the outside and is slightly crispy.

Beef tongue is usually served marinated in a soy sauce-based sauce. This dish is nationally popular and is often served with local vegetables.
The taste of beef tongue is mild, yet complex with earthy aroma, sweetness, and savory umami.

It is characterized by its melt-in-your-mouth softness and juicy texture. Sendai beef tongue is a traditional dish that has been handed down from ancient times in Miyagi Prefecture and is loved by the locals.

Locals proudly serve this dish to tourists and travelers to experience the taste of local cuisine.

Local chefs also try to use the best beef tongue to make it more delicious.

Furthermore, there is a growing trend among Japanese chefs to modernize traditional Japanese recipes.

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