Tokyo National Museum near Ueno Station

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Transition of Tokyo National Museum

This article introduces the Tokyo National Museum and its many collections.

You’ll also learn about the different eras through which the museum has gone.

So let’s learn more about this interesting subject.


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Tokyo National Museum – History

The Tokyo National Museum is the oldest and largest museum in Japan.

It was founded in 1872 and first opened to the public in 1875. Since then, even though it has undergone many changes, it has become a popular museum for those who are interested in Japanese history and culture.

150th anniversary

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Tokyo National Museum – Collections and Exhibits

The Tokyo National Museum houses a variety of collections.

The collection is diverse, including armor and weapons, ancient documents, and traditional works of art.

There are also many special exhibitions that are held regularly.

There is always something new to discover at the Tokyo National Museum.

Overview of permanent exhibits

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Tokyo National Museum – Beyond the Ages

The history of the Tokyo National Museum is long and rich.

Overcoming wars and disasters, he has watched the transition of Japan.

If you are interested in Japanese history and culture, why not visit this place at least once?

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Tokyo National Museum – Modern

The popularity of the Tokyo National Museum remains unchanged.

Many people visit from all over the world, and it continues to be an indispensable part of Japanese culture.

When you come to Tokyo, be sure to visit the Tokyo National Museum.

There are various sightseeing spots near the Tokyo National Museum. Please come and visit us.

Sightseeing spots in and around Ueno Zoo

Sightseeing spot


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