teamLab Planets TOKYO : the first digital art museum to open in Tokyo

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teamLab Planets TOKYO is the first digital art museum to open in Tokyo in 2018.

The interior of the museum is composed of interactive installations that make full use of light, sound, and technology, enabling an immersive experience.

Visitors can touch and interact with the installations for a unique and fun experience.

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1. Introduction of teamLab Planets TOKYO

teamLab Planets TOKYO is a digital art museum that offers a unique and interactive experience.

The museum consists of a series of installations that make full use of light, sound and technology to create an immersive experience.

Visitors can touch and interact with the installations for a fun and unique experience.

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2. Attractiveness of teamLab Planets TOKYO

teamLab Planets TOKYO has a variety of attractions. Here are some of the attractions.

It is composed of works by teamLab, centering on a super-large work space.

The concept is “a museum where you can enter the water” and “become one with your body, overwhelmingly immersed in the gigantic art together with others”.

Celebrating its third year since its opening, on July 2, 2021, two large-scale garden works were added to create a new “Garden Area”.

The area consists of a garden filled with countless orchids blooming in the air and a moss garden with shining egg-shaped sculptures.

By adding this work to the existing “Water Area”, teamLab Planets has been renewed as “a museum that enters the water and a garden that integrates with flowers”.

In order to experience the inside of the museum, it is necessary to be barefoot inside the museum, as the “Water Area” is an exhibition where you put your feet in the water as mentioned above.

At the beginning of the opening, it was supposed to be held until the fall of 2020, but it has been decided to extend it until the end of 2023.

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3. Access to teamLab Planets TOKYO

teamLab Planets TOKYO is located in Toyosu.

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4. Conclusion

teamLab Planets TOKYO is a digital art museum that offers a unique and interactive experience.

The interior of the museum is made up of installations that make full use of light, sound, and technology, providing an immersive experience.

If you are looking for a fun and unique place, teamLab Planets TOKYO is recommended.

NOTE: Advance reservation is required before visiting…

SightSeeing Spot


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